Friday, January 30, 2009

The Future. Or as I call it: The Fut.

In addition to my poor sleeping habits, I also feel my eating and exercising habits are not in the greatest of shape. This affects me most greatly in that most of my pants are now more snug than I appreciate. It also slightly affects my health.

So! In the fut, I plan to bike to work as much as possible and on days when I haven't biked I shall go for a run (The last post tells us that the fut is now!). In order to make this more interesting, I will time myself in performing these endeavors and report the results. Right now that's all I've got going, but I may soon add push ups (!) and sit ups. I don't really have a quantitative goal regarding how far, fast, or awesomely I do these tasks, I just want to keep doing it. A few years ago I started running almost every day with the goal of running 6 miles. I eventually ran 6 miles and not long after that I stopped running. The fut will not be like this.

As part of the eating healthily goal, I am going to stop drinking soda. While this post is about the fut, I'll have to say that in the past I would drink far too much soda and not enough water. This shall be reversed in the fut! I also am going to start bringing a lunch to work at least twice a week, rather than eating out every day. Some further fut healthy choices may be fruits and vegetables, but let's not push it.

Words: 265
QST: 3:15:30 PM
QET: 3:19:59 PM
QWPM: 59.11
DST: 3:22:45 PM
DET: 3:38:21 PM
DWPM: 16.99

Thursday, January 29, 2009

*snooooring sooooounds*

I guess my new lifestyle changes are making their mark. This week I have managed to go to bed before 12am and wake up close to 7am everyday. Also, I ran after work on Monday and tonight, and biked to and from work Tuesday and Wednesday. Unfortunately, since I'm tired I don't feel like making a lengthy post. The future will have to wait.

Words: 64
QST: 9:27:45 PM
QET: 9:28:57 PM
QWPM: 53.33
DST: 9:31:00 PM
DET: 9:35:20 PM
DWPM: 14.77

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Here's a graph!

What it is, bro. What it is.

So, yesterday I added some other goals to the description on top of learning Dvorak. Here's where I tell you WHY.

Currently I have a "chicken-egg" problem. I'll start with when I wake up: late. Usually around 8am or so. So I get to work around 9am and get home from work around 6:30pm (there's 9 hours of work in there, right??) and proceed to do nothing all night (watch TV, stare at my computer) . When a decent time for sleeping rolls around I am not tired, so I stay up until about 1am on average, which means I wake up: late.

What is the root cause? Is it that I get up late? Is it that I stay up late? WRONG! It is that I do not exercise, I eat unhealthily, I have a boring job, and I have no motivation to change these things. It is time to change. Blog give me strength! Give me motivation to change these things! Gimme gimme gimme!

Next time I shall outline the future and report how I will improve my life (Aren't you excited Ryan?!?!).

Note: I originally timed myself composing this post in QWERTY, but the WPM was low (~19), which is most likely due to me having to think of what to write as I was typing. To adequately compare the two layouts, I'll have to first compose an entry, then type and time it in both QWERTY and Dvorak and edit the post with the stats. That's so booooooring... success!

Also: I'm trusting Microsoft Word to count my words for me and Excel to calculate my stats and eventually make me pretty graphs. Ooh shiz, I'm using Internet Explorer, too. Don't let me down Microsoft!

Words: 288
QWERTY Start Time (QST): 11:15:00 AM
QWERTY End Time (QET): 11:20:47 AM
Dvorak Start Time (DST): 11:32:30 AM
Dvorak End Time (DET): 11:57:01 AM
Dvorak WPM (DWPM): 11.75

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Y'all ready for this?!

So here's the plan: I am not going to double post every entry. I'll just make a post in QWERTY then retype it in Dvorak and edit the first post with WPM data and whatnot. No need to fill up this place with crap twice as fast. All that will start with the next entry because I didn't pay attention to when I started this.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Let us do another one!

So this will probably be one of the most boring and self-serving blogs there could be, but I don't give a damn! I think in the future I might post everything twice: once with QWERTY and then with Dvorak and compare the speeds. Maybe I'll make some graphs and stuff, too. Oh, boy!

Blogtown USA

I am starting this blog to practice typing using the Dvorak keyboard layout and to document my progress. If I decide to become more ambitious I will also work on improving other aspects of my life (yay improvement!), but first and foremost I am doing this for Dvorak.

A-bore-t Me

Typing Graph

Typing Data

Future spot for miscellaneous typing data...