Friday, February 13, 2009

Graphs and tables

I have been tinkering with the layout of this place trying to figure out the way I want to present the useless data I have been collecting about my progress towards my goals. I'm not sure if I've quite got it. For now there is a graph on the sidebar, which links to the larger image. I gave up (for now) on having a script make the graph and just made it into a jpeg. I guess the plan could be to have a graph every ten entries.

In the footer I threw in the actual data. As you can see in the table, as well as in the graph, I have been keeping track of the characters in each entry. I'm not sure why words per minute is the stat of choice for typists when the characters per word can have a significant effect on that speed, as you can see in entries 6 and 9. My WPM for both QWERTY and Dvorak dipped quite a bit in these entries, while my CPM (Characters per Minute) only dropped slightly. Since these posts were also the ones showcasing the uncommon letters, my guess is that using those letters might have been the cause for the lower CPMs. An ambitious goal may be to look at the frequency of each letter in each entry. We'll see about that.

I also started timing myself going to and from work. This was mostly to show when I've been biking (not much since it got cold and rainy), but I also wanted to look into optimizing my route. There aren't a lot of options when biking, but I do take a few different paths to and from work.

Eventually I'll also start keeping track of when I run and do other activities. Stay tuned for that!

Words: 301
Characters: 1232
QST: 3:38:30 PM
QET: 3:43:33 PM
QWPM: 59.80
DST: 4:07:15 PM
DET: 4:20:38 PM
DWPM: 22.57

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A-bore-t Me

Typing Graph

Typing Data

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